Product details:
IPSA Luminizing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing 100g
イプサ ルミナイジング クレイe 100g
A clay-like massage mask that removes dirt that is difficult to remove around the pores as well as unnecessary stratum corneum, and adsorbs and cleanses sebum to make the skin soft and transparent.
With its high adsorption cleaning effect and moisturizing effect, it immediately prepares a texture that easily reflects light.
Recommended for use as special care once or twice a week.
It can be used on both dry and wet skin, depending on the condition of the skin and the amount of time it takes to care for it.
How to use:
- When used on dry skin
Please use once or twice a week on the skin after washing your face.
Take an appropriate amount (about 4 cm on the half of the face) on your fingertips, avoid the area around the eyes and mouth and massage in a spiral pattern.
If you want to get more transparency, leave it for about 5 minutes.
After that, rinse the clay so that it melts, and carefully rinse the area around the nose.
- When used on wet skin
Please use it on wet skin after washing your face.
Take an appropriate amount (about 4 cm on the half of the face) on your fingertips, avoid the area around the eyes and mouth and massage in a spiral pattern.
After that, rinse the clay and carefully rinse the area around the nose.
Please avoid using it for 2 consecutive days.
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